Mnogi ljudi tvrde da pozadina nije prikladna za kuhinju. S higijenskog gledišta, možda imate pravo. U kuhinji je kuhana i to može dovesti do spuštanja Tepetenqualität. Tako je. Međutim, vjerujemo da ih zamjena novih s jednom godišnje nije tako teško. U redu, ali zašto inzistiramo na tome Kuhinja tapeta? Zato što sobu čine ugodnijima. Ako se osjećate ugodno i udobno u dnevnoj sobi, zašto ne u kuhinji? Priprema hrane i proces jedenja samo su one kućanske radionice koje radimo s toliko zabave i užitka.
Danas se na tržištu nude toliko uzoraka. Bit ćete iznenađeni ako saznate da vam kuhinja može izgledati kao mali boudoir uz pomoć pozadine.
Ispod su mnoge fotografije koje potvrđuju gore navedeno. Neka bude iznenađena! 🙂
Ove elegantne pozadinske kuhinje uklapaju u moderan interijer
Odaberite tematske pozadine za kuhinje – ovaj dizajn zidova bio bi najzanimljiviji
Izaberite tapete kuhinje ove vrste za zid pored stola za kavu – to izgleda kao inspiracija
Kuhinja tapete s geometrijskim oblicima
Mislimo da je ovaj interijer apsolutno cool i slatka!
Za ljubitelje vintage stila imamo sljedeću ideju:
Žuta boja pozadine osvježava inače dosadnu bijelu unutrašnjost
Toliko boja, stilova i oblika – u ovom je kuhinji nešto za svaki ukus
Malo ekstravagancija nikada nije suvišno
Ove pozadinske kuhinje daju interijer udoban izgled
Vintage pozadine obično izgledaju vrlo romantično – kao da ulazite u kuhinju iz 1915
Ugodna kuhinja s kuhanjem otoka i lijep ukras
Polka dot obrazac je vječan i uklapa se u bilo koji interijer
Pozadina iza kuhinjskog ormarića – to izgleda iznenađujuće dobro
Talijani su to ispravno rekli
Možete se odlučiti za elegantniju pozadinu modela za kuhinju – sve ovisi o vašem ukusu
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:
Many people claim that wallpaper is not suitable for the kitchen. From a hygiene point of view, they may be right. Cooking in the kitchen can lead to the wallpapers quality deteriorating. However, we believe that replacing them with new ones once a year is not that difficult. Okay, but why do we insist on kitchen wallpaper? Because they make the room more pleasant. If you feel comfortable and cozy in the living room, why not in the kitchen? Food preparation and eating are just household chores that we do with so much fun and enjoyment.
Today, so many patterns are available on the market. You will be surprised to learn that your kitchen can look like a small boudoir with the help of wallpaper. Below are many photos that confirm the above. Let it be surprised! 🙂
These elegant kitchen wallpapers fit into a modern interior.
Choose themed wallpapers for kitchens – this wall design would be the most interesting.
Choose kitchen wallpapers of this type for the wall next to the coffee table – it looks like inspiration.
Kitchen wallpaper with geometric shapes.
We think this interior is absolutely cool and cute!
For vintage style lovers, we have the following idea:
Yellow wallpaper color refreshes an otherwise dull white interior.
So many colors, styles, and shapes – there is something for every taste in this kitchen.
A little extravagance is never superfluous.
These kitchen wallpapers give the interior a comfortable look.
Vintage wallpapers usually look very romantic – as if you are entering a kitchen from 1915.
Cozy kitchen with cooking island and beautiful decoration.
Polka dot pattern is eternal and fits into any interior.
Wallpaper behind the kitchen cabinet – it looks surprisingly good.
Italians said it right.
You can opt for a more elegant wallpaper model for the kitchen – it all depends on your taste.