乙烯基 – 地板的当代材料
在现代设计和光学中,乙烯基地板率先领先。该交易提供了非常好的橡胶,不会让人联想到旧运动鞋。现代制造工艺使各种各样的颜色和图案成为可能。 Hori的例子展示了乙烯可以在自然光学中看到多么美丽和真实。即使是乙烯含有有害物质的老指责也早已过时。像其他地板覆盖物一样,乙烯基塑料按照DIN EN 685标准生产,并且能够与其他材料比如层压板进行比较。欧洲制造乙烯基地板不含有害增塑剂。
乙烯基塑料的质量是有利的,覆盖物在房间中产生噪音,并因此对居住空间气候产生积极影响。可选地,乙烯基地板还包含内置脚踏隔音材料,无需安装另一层隔热层。由于其良好的品质乙烯很好,容易铺设。随后的清洁很容易用扫帚和湿布完成。不仅在客厅,而且在浴室 – 所以潮湿的房间 – 可以铺设乙烯地板。在此,使用防水粘合剂代替常规。由于其高度低,由于门被关闭,其他地板覆盖物的高度也可以布置为乙烯基。
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a summary of the text in English. The article discusses the contemporary material of vinyl flooring, its advantages, disadvantages, and daily life issues. Due to technological advancements, the quality and appearance of vinyl flooring have improved significantly, making it one of the most popular coverings in living rooms. Vinyl flooring is a modern material that leads in modern design and optics. It offers a wide range of colors and patterns, and modern manufacturing processes make it possible to create beautiful and realistic designs. Vinyl flooring is also easy to install and maintain, and it is suitable for wet rooms like bathrooms. However, it has some disadvantages, such as being thin and not completely waterproof. It should also not be installed on existing carpets, and heavy furniture can damage it permanently. Overall, vinyl flooring is a good option for those looking for a cost-effective and attractive flooring solution.