عند تجهيز حمامك الجديد ، يمكنك اختيار إما تصميم بسيط وكلاسيكي ، أو تصميم حمام مبتكر ومبدع. ذلك يعتمد على ذوقك الخاص الذي سوف تختار البديل. نموذجا الحمام لهما قوتهما. فالحمام البسيط ، على سبيل المثال ، يكلف أقل من المصمم الأصلي. كما أن التصميم البسيط أسهل في التنفيذ ، وبالتالي يتطلب وقتًا أقل. ماذا يمكننا أن نقول عن تصميم الحمام الإبداعي؟ على الرغم من أن الأمر يستغرق بعض الوقت ، ولكن هذه المرة تستحق العناء! وكيف يبدو الحمام الأصلي؟ غريب! رائع! يجب ألا ننسى أنك تقضي بضع دقائق في الحمام كل يوم. في هذا المعنى ، يجب على المرء ألا يقلل من شأن تصميم هذه الغرفة المهمة.
إذا كنت من محبي تصميم الحمام الباهظ والاستثنائي ، فأنت ترغب في الأفكار التالية: البلاط الإضاءة في الحمام! إلقاء نظرة على مقترحاتنا الجميلة وتخيل كيف واحد البلاط الإضاءة في حمامك سيبدو!
هذه الإضاءة LED البلاط يمكن أن تغير تماما الحمام!
إضاءة بلاط LED بسيطة لجو رقيق في الحمام …
هل تحب هذه الإضاءة بلاط LED؟
إنه لأمر رائع لا يوصف كيف أن أضواء الأرضية تؤدي إلى حوض الاستحمام الأنيق …
وقت الديسكو في الحمام !!! لماذا لا؟ 🙂
خلق تأثير WOW في الحمام!
حنون ، رواية ، جميلة ، أنيقة ، غريبة … يمكننا الذهاب أبعد من ذلك! 🙂
الآن نعرض لك بعض الاقتراحات الأصلية البلاط الإضاءة. استمتع بالصور المذهلة!
هذه كانت صورنا المثيرة للاهتمام البلاط الإضاءة. نأمل أن تكون قد استمتعت بهذه المشاركة! 🙂
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language as my mother tongue. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
When designing your new bathroom, you can choose either a simple and classic design or an innovative and creative one, depending on your personal taste. The model of the bathroom has its own strength. For example, a simple bathroom costs less than an original designer one. Also, a simple design is easier to implement and therefore requires less time. What can we say about creative bathroom design? Although it takes some time, it is worth the effort! And what does the original bathroom look like? Strange! Wonderful! We must not forget that you spend a few minutes in the bathroom every day. In this sense, one should not underestimate the importance of designing this important room.
If you are a fan of expensive and exceptional bathroom design, you are interested in the following ideas: lighting tiles in the bathroom! Take a look at our beautiful proposals and imagine how one lighting tile in your bathroom will look! This LED tile lighting can completely change the bathroom! Simple LED tile lighting for a delicate atmosphere in the bathroom… Do you like this LED tile lighting? Its a wonderful thing that cant be described how floor lights lead to a stylish bathtub… Disco time in the bathroom!!! Why not? 🙂 Create a WOW effect in the bathroom! Tender, novel, beautiful, elegant, strange… we can go further than that! 🙂 Now we present you with some original tile lighting suggestions. Enjoy the stunning photos! These were our interesting tile lighting photos. We hope you enjoyed this post! 🙂
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language as my mother tongue. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
When designing your new bathroom, you can choose either a simple and classic design or an innovative and creative one, depending on your personal taste. The model of the bathroom has its own strength. For example, a simple bathroom costs less than an original designer one. Also, a simple design is easier to implement and therefore requires less time. What can we say about creative bathroom design? Although it takes some time, it is worth the effort! And what does the original bathroom look like? Strange! Wonderful! We must not forget that you spend a few minutes in the bathroom every day. In this sense, one should not underestimate the importance of designing this important room.
If you are a fan of expensive and exceptional bathroom design, you are interested in the following ideas: lighting tiles in the bathroom! Take a look at our beautiful proposals and imagine how one lighting tile in your bathroom will look! This LED tile lighting can completely change the bathroom! Simple LED tile lighting for a delicate atmosphere in the bathroom… Do you like this LED tile lighting? Its a wonderful thing that cant be described how floor lights lead to a stylish bathtub… Disco time in the bathroom!!! Why not? 🙂 Create a WOW effect in the bathroom! Tender, novel, beautiful, elegant, strange… we can go further than that! 🙂 Now we present you with some original tile lighting suggestions. Enjoy the stunning photos! These were our interesting tile lighting photos. We hope you enjoyed this post! 🙂