Mietitkö, missä pyörä tai polkupyörät tallennetaan kotona? Etenkin pienissä huoneistoissa, joissa sinulla ei ole paljon tilaa, voi olla vaikea löytää hyvä paikka pyörälle. Inspiraatiossamme on useita esimerkkejä toiminnallisista ja nykyaikaisista polkupyörätelineet kokoontuivat sisätiloihin. Nämä mallit ovat erittäin käytännöllisiä, tilaa säästäviä ja viileä! Saatat myös olla kuin yksi polkupyörätelineet Rakenna itsesi – Alla on mukava ajatus pyörävarastosta yksinkertaisilla puurakenteilla, jotka on kiinnitetty seinään. Puinen hylly ja polkupyörätelineet on myös täydellinen muunnelma esteettiselle ulkonäölle talossa! Nauti kauniista ideoistamme!
Alkuperäinen polkupyöränpidin linnunruokalta!
Puiset hyllyt ja pyörätelineet yhdestä – hienosta ideasta!
Fantastinen polkupyöräpidike seinälle.
Toiminnallinen polkupyöränpitimet kattoon!
Pyöräteline, joka on valmistettu ruostumattomasta teräksestä seinälle.
Luova seinärakenne, jossa on puinen pyöräteline.
Vihreä pyöräteline seinällä – tilaa säästävä ratkaisu!
Polkupyöräteline ruostumattomasta teräksestä kahdelle polkupyörälle.
Tilaa säästävä käytännöllinen säilytys pyöräsi!
Säilytysidea pyöräsi varten, helppo tehdä itse.
Tyylikäs puinen hylly, joka toimii myös polkupyöränpidikkeenä.
Moderni ajatus varastosta!
Nämä olivat käytännöllisiä ja moderneja polkupyörätelineet!
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:
Topic: Contents
0.1 Display
1 Original bird feeder bike holder!
2 Wooden shelves and bike racks in one – a great idea!
2.1 Fantastic bike holder for the wall.
2.2 Functional bike holders for the ceiling!
Are you wondering where to store your bike or bikes at home? Especially in small apartments where you dont have a lot of space, it can be difficult to find a good place for your bike. Our inspiration has several examples of functional and modern bike racks that gather indoors. These models are very practical, space-saving, and cool! You may also be like one of the bike racks Build yourself – Heres a nice idea for a bike storage with simple wooden structures attached to the wall. A wooden shelf and bike rack is also a perfect variation for an aesthetic look in the house! Enjoy our beautiful ideas!
Original bird feeder bike holder!
Wooden shelves and bike racks in one – a great idea!
Fantastic bike holder for the wall.
Functional bike holders for the ceiling!
Bike rack made of stainless steel for the wall.
Creative wall structure with a wooden bike rack.
Green bike rack on the wall – a space-saving solution!
Bike rack made of stainless steel for two bikes.
Space-saving practical storage for your bike!
Storage idea for your bike, easy to make yourself.
Stylish wooden shelf that also serves as a bike holder.
Modern idea for a storage room!
These were practical and modern bike racks!
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:
Topic: Contents
0.1 Display
1 Original bird feeder bike holder!
2 Wooden shelves and bike racks in one – a great idea!
2.1 Fantastic bike holder for the wall.
2.2 Functional bike holders for the ceiling!
Are you wondering where to store your bike or bikes at home? Especially in small apartments where you dont have a lot of space, it can be difficult to find a good place for your bike. Our inspiration has several examples of functional and modern bike racks that gather indoors. These models are very practical, space-saving, and cool! You may also be like one of the bike racks Build yourself – Heres a nice idea for a bike storage with simple wooden structures attached to the wall. A wooden shelf and bike rack is also a perfect variation for an aesthetic look in the house! Enjoy our beautiful ideas!
Original bird feeder bike holder!
Wooden shelves and bike racks in one – a great idea!
Fantastic bike holder for the wall.
Functional bike holders for the ceiling!
Bike rack made of stainless steel for the wall.
Creative wall structure with a wooden bike rack.
Green bike rack on the wall – a space-saving solution!
Bike rack made of stainless steel for two bikes.
Space-saving practical storage for your bike!
Storage idea for your bike, easy to make yourself.
Stylish wooden shelf that also serves as a bike holder.
Modern idea for a storage room!
These were practical and modern bike racks!