Duga kosa ili kratka kosa? To je pitanje svake žene koja je sama zapitala barem jednom u svom životu. Nema iznimaka! Žene samo vole eksperimentirati s kosom. To se odnosi i na duljinu, kao i na boju kose. Rečeno je da je promjena ženske frizure pokazatelj velike promjene u ženskom životu. Kada žena želi promijeniti posao, dom ili muž, prvo joj mijenja frizuru. :))) To nije zlatno pravilo, naravno. Ali činjenica je da većina žena promijeni svoje frizure sada i onda. Je li to istina?
Pretpostavimo sada … Vjerojatno imate dugu kosu i tražite nadahnuće ideje za smanjenje kose. Ali još uvijek niste sigurni jeste li pravi obožavatelj kratke frizure jesu ili ne. Vjerujemo da će vam ovaj članak pomoći! Unutra su 100 fotografija žena s kratkom kosom. Sigurna raznolikost kratke frizure… Budite udobni i pokušajte uživati u slikama. Uskoro ćete biti sigurni hoće li takva frizura odgovarati vašoj osobnosti.
Sada počinje! Pogledajte ove 100 nadahnuća kratke frizure na! Pravo uhvatiti oko!
Kratke frizure izgledaju vrlo šik i slatko:
Jesu li kratke frizure seksi? Pogledajte ovu ženu i odgovorite na to pitanje :))
Plava kratka kosa odmah ulazi u oči.
Lijepe kovrče!
Lako se brinuti – također izgleda sjajno!
Izradite otrcan šik izgled:
Elegantnost i klasa!
To je ono što izgleda suvremena žena – seksi i sigurni
Rotte usne i kratka plava kosa – šarmantna kombinacija!
Ova žena se osjeća ugodno u svojoj koži … Misliš li tako? 🙂
Jeste li znali da se kratke frizure vraćaju u modu?
Ovo je vrlo zanimljiva i privlačna frizura.
Charlize Theron s kratkom kosom:
Uvijek je lijepa i seksi – bez obzira na frizuru!
Plave oči i zlatna kosa …
Ovdje je Ciara sa svojom novom frizuru.
Slatko izgledajte sigurno
Natječajna gospođa
Samo lijepo 🙂
Ponovno i iznova uvjeravamo se kako se pojavljuju seksi kratke frizure!
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Croatian language to English language.
Short hairstyles look very chic and cute. Are short hairstyles sexy? Look at this woman and answer that question :)) Blonde short hair immediately catches the eye. Beautiful curls!
Long hair or short hair? That is the question of every woman who has ever wondered at least once in her life. There are no exceptions! Women just love to experiment with hair. This applies to both length and hair color. It is said that changing a womans hairstyle is an indicator of a big change in a womans life. When a woman wants to change her job, home or husband, she first changes her hairstyle. :))) This is not a golden rule, of course. But the fact is that most women change their hairstyles now and then. Is that true?
Lets assume now… You probably have long hair and are looking for inspiration ideas to cut your hair. But youre still not sure if youre a true fan of short hair or not. We believe this article will help you! Inside are 100 photos of women with short hair. A sure variety of short hairstyles… Be comfortable and try to enjoy the pictures. Soon you will be sure if such a hairstyle suits your personality.
Now it starts! Look at these 100 inspirations for short hair! Right to catch the eye!
Short hairstyles look very chic and cute:
Are short hairstyles sexy? Look at this woman and answer that question :))
Blonde short hair immediately catches the eye.
Beautiful curls!
Easy to care for – also looks great!
Create a shabby chic look:
Elegance and class!
This is what a modern woman looks like – sexy and confident
Broken lips and short blonde hair – a charming combination!
This woman feels comfortable in her own skin… Do you think so? 🙂
Did you know that short hairstyles are coming back into fashion?
This is a very interesting and attractive hairstyle.
Charlize Theron with short hair:
She is always beautiful and sexy – regardless of hairstyle!
Blue eyes and golden hair…
Here is Ciara with her new hairstyle.
Sweet look for sure
Tender lady
Just beautiful 🙂
Again and again we are convinced that sexy short hairstyles are emerging!